What Parents Need to Know About the Allergic March – AAFA Webinar

Zoom - Virtual

Do you know about the allergic march? This is the name for the natural history of allergic diseases. This refers to how allergic diseases progress in a person over time. It usually starts in infants as dry skin. It can then progress during childhood to eczema (atopic dermatitis), food allergy, nasal allergies, and asthma. John […]

Spring Allergies and Asthma – Allergy & Asthma Network

Zoom - Virtual

Spring is on its way and that means preparing for pollen -- and seasonal allergies. If you have allergic asthma, spring allergies can trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Find out how to manage spring allergies and avoid asthma symptoms. In this webinar, we are joined by board-certified allergist and immunologist Alice Hoyt, MD. […]


Zoom - Virtual

Event Date:27 August 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm Event Description: As many as 60 million Americans live with seasonal allergies. Tree pollen is active in the spring, grasses and hay are active in the summer and fall brings ragweed. In this webinar, learn how to diagnose and treat your seasonal allergy patients. Speaker: Anne Maitland, […]