Introduction to INHALE

2024 Meetings

Collaborative Wide Meeting

INHALE hosts one Collaborative Wide meeting per year where Physician Organization (PO) Admin Leads and PO Clinical Champions come together to learn about and prioritize the collaborative’s initiatives. This informational meeting is intended for the coordinating center and POs to come together to strategize for the upcoming year in the hopes of achieving better outcomes for asthma and COPD patients across the state. It is also a time where INHALE gains feedback from our valued PO partners regarding current and future initiatives and measures.

Regional Meetings

INHALE hosts two sets of Regional Meetings in the Spring and Fall where Practice Clinical Champions from across Michigan come together to collaborate on best practices, discuss programmatic initiatives, gain knowledge and provide feedback to the INHALE coordinating center. These valuable meetings help drive the goals of the collaborative and have proven to be very insightful. We look forward to having our primary and specialty care providers attend in 2024.

The 2024 Fall Regional Meetings are scheduled for September 24th in Grand Rapids, October 1st in Troy, October 3rd in Grand Blanc, October 15th in Jackson, and October 16th in Lansing (Pediatric focused meeting). Registration can be found in the admin portal. 

Meeting Photo Gallery