PharmD Virtual Office Hours

Zoom - Virtual

Virtual Office Hours: PharmD virtual office hours are available on select Tuesdays from 10 am-11 am. You are welcome to join any time during the specified hour to discuss TOC or INHALE related topics.

INHALEarning Education Workgroup

Zoom - Virtual

A bi-weekly meeting between healthcare professionals to discuss educational initiatives related to INHALE. To join the group, please email Brenna at

PharmD Virtual Office Hours

Zoom - Virtual

Virtual Office Hours: PharmD virtual office hours are available on select Tuesdays from 10 am-11 am. You are welcome to join any time during the specified hour to discuss TOC or INHALE related topics.

Emergency Planning for Children with Asthma and Anaphylaxis

Zoom - Virtual

Respiratory symptoms are common in both asthma and anaphylaxis. It can be a challenge to know whether someone is experiencing an asthma attack or a severe allergic reaction. In this webinar, Alice Hoyt, MD, chief allergist at the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy in Nashville, Tennessee, will discuss how to plan for asthma and anaphylaxis […]

Navigating Healthcare Webinar: How to appeal insurance denials

Zoom - Virtual

Join MI Family to Family Health Information Center (MI F2F) and the Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Family Center) in our ongoing series: Navigating Healthcare. Getting the health care your child needs can be challenging. Oftentimes parents must learn as they go as they work with medical providers, hospitals, […]

PharmD Virtual Office Hours

Zoom - Virtual

Virtual Office Hours: PharmD virtual office hours are available on select Tuesdays from 10 am-11 am. You are welcome to join any time during the specified hour to discuss TOC or INHALE related topics.

PO Monthly Call

Zoom - Virtual

A monthly zoom call with physician organizations discussing INHALE related updates. To be added to this call, please contact April or Sean at

Racism, Housing, and Asthma: A Conversation

Zoom - Virtual

Regional Asthma Management & Prevention (RAMP) and the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) invite you to join a conversation on the connections between racism, housing, and asthma with three of the country’s leading practitioners and researchers in this space: Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Neeta Thakur, MD, MPH, University of California San […]

PharmD Virtual Office Hours

Zoom - Virtual

Virtual Office Hours: PharmD virtual office hours are available on select Tuesdays from 10 am-11 am. You are welcome to join any time during the specified hour to discuss TOC or INHALE related topics.

PO Monthly Call

Zoom - Virtual

A monthly zoom call with physician organizations discussing INHALE related updates. To be added to this call, please contact April or Sean at

PharmD Virtual Office Hours

Zoom - Virtual

Virtual Office Hours: PharmD virtual office hours are available on select Tuesdays from 10 am-11 am. You are welcome to join any time during the specified hour to discuss TOC or INHALE related topics.