An insightful ATS webinar exploring the cutting-edge applications of multi-omics risk scores to lung health. This webinar will feature three distinguished speakers who will critically discuss the latest advancements in polygenic and proteomic risk scores, their clinical applications, and their potential to revolutionize the practice of pulmonary medicine. Matthew Moll, MD, MPH from Brigham and Women’s Hospital will introduce polygenic risk scores in chronic lung disease. Gabrielle Liu, MD, MS from University of California, Davis will discuss the basis of proteomic risk scores in lung health. Finally, Victor Ortega, MD, PhD from Mayo Clinic will discuss the current clinical applications of polygenic and proteomic risk scores in clinical practice. At the end of their presentations, there will be a roundtable discussion between all three speakers. This discussion will focus on the practical implications of omics-based risk scores for pulmonologists, addressing questions including: How can polygenic risk scores change clinical practice and management? When should clinicians consider using these scores? How should the information from these scores be interpreted and applied?
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