Oral Corticosteroids Dispensed


Our oral corticosteroid use (dispensed) measure uses claims data to determine the percentage of patients in our population (Adult Asthma, Pediatric Asthma, and COPD) with 0, 1, or 2+ oral corticosteroid medication claims (total number of oral corticosteroid fills) in the measurement year.  A lower proportion with 2+ OCS fills indicates better performance.

Population Specifics:

  • Asthma patients, regardless of severity, aged 2 years and older.
  • COPD patients aged 40 years and older.


  • Denominator: Eligible patients, excluding those with conditions known to be associated with OCS use.
  • Numerator: Eligible patient included in the denominator for whom an OCS medication is dispensed 0, 1, 2+ time in the measurement year.

Guideline Links: