Asthma Basics Workshop: American Lung Association

The program is ideal for frontline healthcare professionals, such as school nurses or community health workers, as well as individuals with asthma, parents of children with asthma, and co-workers, friends and family who want to learn more about asthma. Learning Objectives Identify characteristics and symptoms of asthma Recognize asthma triggers and control strategies Explain asthma […]

RSV, Asthma, and You – What You Need to Know this RSV Season

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RSV is a common virus that is the leading cause of hospital stays in young children and infants. Babies who get sick with RSV are more likely to have asthma later in childhood. Older adults and people of all ages with asthma are also at a high risk of severe infection because of RSV. Please […]

Asthma and Social Determinants of Health: Chicago Asthma Consortium Virtual Conference

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This program will focus on various social determinants of health including race based inequities and environmental pollution that contribute to asthma challenges. Presenters who have extensive experience in the asthma and allergy fields will discuss their particular areas of research and their clinical findings. Participants will come away with a deeper understanding of tools and […]

Emergency Planning for Children with Asthma and Anaphylaxis

Zoom - Virtual

Respiratory symptoms are common in both asthma and anaphylaxis. It can be a challenge to know whether someone is experiencing an asthma attack or a severe allergic reaction. In this webinar, Alice Hoyt, MD, chief allergist at the Hoyt Institute of Food Allergy in Nashville, Tennessee, will discuss how to plan for asthma and anaphylaxis […]

Navigating Healthcare Webinar: How to appeal insurance denials

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Join MI Family to Family Health Information Center (MI F2F) and the Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Family Center) in our ongoing series: Navigating Healthcare. Getting the health care your child needs can be challenging. Oftentimes parents must learn as they go as they work with medical providers, hospitals, […]

Racism, Housing, and Asthma: A Conversation

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Regional Asthma Management & Prevention (RAMP) and the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) invite you to join a conversation on the connections between racism, housing, and asthma with three of the country’s leading practitioners and researchers in this space: Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Neeta Thakur, MD, MPH, University of California San […]

Not Everything that Coughs Is Asthma – AAN webinar

Zoom - Virtual

Did you know that coughing is one of the most common reasons people visit a doctor’s office? When coughing persists longer than eight weeks in adults, it’s considered a chronic cough. People with this condition often have uncontrollable coughing episodes and feel the need to cough or have a tickle in their throat beforehand. People […]

Detroit: Our Environment, Our Health (Part II: Air)

Zoom - Virtual

A panel of Detroiters will speak about the risks and solutions around the air in the city. This webinar, moderated by Planet Detroit editor and founder Nina Ignaczak, is the second in a series examining how the health of Detroit's residents is dictated by the neighborhoods that people call home. Pre-register with the link below.