Allergy & Asthma Network – USAsthma Summit

Zoom - Virtual

The USAsthma Summit brings together asthma coalitions, state asthma programs, doctors, nurses, community health workers, patients, advocates and other key stakeholders. Together they discuss key asthma issues, advance Guidelines-based care, and share best practices and lessons learned from local and national programs.

Professional Connect Call discussing Children’s Special Health Care Services

Zoom - Virtual

The Family Center hosts free monthly live conversations for professionals that work with children with special needs (including severe asthma). This month gain a deeper understanding of the history, background, and programming of CSHCS. This call will help you identify who may be eligible for CSHCS coverage, the enrollment process and see what services are […]

Racism, Housing, and Asthma: A Conversation

Zoom - Virtual

Regional Asthma Management & Prevention (RAMP) and the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) invite you to join a conversation on the connections between racism, housing, and asthma with three of the country’s leading practitioners and researchers in this space: Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Neeta Thakur, MD, MPH, University of California San […]