| 0-5 Stepwise Approach NAEPP-GINA 2023 Overlap | Asthma, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | GINA, Guidelines, NAEPP | |
| 12 or Older Stepwise Approach NAEPP-GINA 2023 Overlap | Asthma, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | GINA, Guidelines, NAEPP | |
| 2024-2025 Timeline – Continuing | For INHALE Members | 2024, 2024-2025 Timeline, 2025, continuing, INHALE Timeline, members, physician organization, requirements, Timeline | |
| 2024-2025 Timeline – Onboarding | For INHALE Members | 2024, 2024-2025 Timeline, 2025, INHALE Timeline, members, Onboarding, physician organization, Timeline | |
| 2025 VBR FAQs | For INHALE Members | Onboarding, VBR | |
| 2026 Continuing PCPs and SCPs VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | 2026 VBR, continuing, Continuing PCP, Continuing SCP, PCP VBR, requirements, SCP VBR, VBR | |
| 2026 Continuing PO VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | physician organization, PO, PO information, PO Scorecard, scorecard, VBR | |
| 2026 Onboarding PCPs VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | 2026, 2026 VBR, PCP, PCP and SCP, PCP VBR, requirements, SCP VBR, VBR | |
| 2026 Onboarding PO VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | 2026, physician organization, PO, PO Scorecard, scorecard, VBR | |
| 6-11 Stepwise Approach NAEPP-GINA 2023 Overlap | Asthma, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | GINA, Guidelines, NAEPP | |
| A Guide to Aerosol Delivery Devices for Respiratory Therapists | Asthma, For Providers | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, provider education | |
| Acute and chronic systemic corticosteroid–related complications in patients with severe asthma | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, asthma, Asthma Management, asthma medications, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship | |
| Adverse outcomes from initiation of systemic corticosteroids for asthma: long-term observational study | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, article, asthma, Asthma Management, journal, managing asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, Research | |
| Aerosol Deposition in Airways – A Clinicians Guide (Part 1) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, provider education, video | |
| Aerosol Drug Delivery – Metered Dose Inhalers (Part 2) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medications, Preventing Exacerbations, provider education, video | |
| Aerosol Drug Delivery – Multiple Device Options (Part 3) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, Asthma Management, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medications, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, video | |
| AIRQ – Asthma Impairment and Risk Questionnaire | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Adult Asthma, AIRQ | |
| Are You At Risk for COPD (NIH, 2022) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education | |
| Asthma & COPD Medication Poster (ALA) | Asthma, COPD, For Providers | Inhaler Education, Medication, Medications, Posters | |
| Asthma and COPD ED or Observation Discharge Measure | For INHALE Members | Adult, Adult Asthma, asthma, codes, COPD, CPT, CPT code, CPT codes, ED, ED discharge, eligible population, emergency department, exclusions, ICD-10, inclusions, Measure, observational discharge, Pediatric, Pediatric Asthma | |
| Asthma and COPD Inhaler Chart – pyrls | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | 2025 inhalers, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma medications, asthma meds, COPD, COPD medications, COPD patients, COPD treatment, inhaler chart, Inhalers, managing asthma, managing COPD, Medication, pyrls | |
| Asthma Checklist: A Tool for Implementing Guidances and Expert Reports in Practice (AstraZeneca) | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider) | asthma, asthma checklist, asthma control, asthma managment, checklist | |
| Asthma Control Test (ACT) 12 and older (English and Spanish) | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Asthma Control Test (ACT) | |
| Asthma Control Test (ACT) 4 to 11 years old | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Asthma Control Test (ACT) | |
| Asthma During Pregnancy – AAFA | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, pregnancy | |
| Asthma in Kids – Infographic | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, infographic, kids, Pediatric, Pediatric Asthma, pediatrics | |
| Asthma in the Black Community Fact Sheet | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, asthma burden, Asthma Management, black community, health equity, managing asthma | |
| Asthma in Women Fact Sheet | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, asthma in women, Asthma Management, asthma symptom, asthma symptoms, asthma triggers, managing asthma, trigger, Triggers, women | |
| Asthma Journal Articles | Asthma, For Providers | Journal Articles, References & Articles, SABA Exposure, SMART Therapy | |
| Asthma Management Guide – pyrls | Asthma, For Providers | asthma, Asthma Management, asthma treatment, Education, GINA 2024, guide, Guidelines, provider, pyrls | |
| Asthma Triggers Home Checklist (AAFA) | Asthma, For Patients | Allergy | |
| Asthma Website Links | Website | Adult Asthma, ALA, American Lung Association, American Thoracic Society, asthma, ATS, CHEST, Medication Assistance | |
| Asthma, Obesity & Exercise (provider focused) | Asthma, For Providers | Exercise, Obesity | |
| Asthma, Weight & Exercise (patient focused) | Asthma, For Patients | active, active lifestyle, airways, asthma, children, Exercise, health, obese, Obesity, overweight, stress, Triggers | |
| BCBSM Billing | For INHALE Members | BCBSM, BCBSM billing, billing assistance, blue cross blue shield, insurance, provider billing assistance | |
| Beaumont CME Account Creation | For INHALE Members | Beaumont, Beaumont Account, Beaumont Instructions, CME help | |
| Beaumont CME Receiving Credit Guide | For INHALE Members | Beaumont, Beaumont CME Credit, Beaumont Instructions, CME, CME help | |
| Billing for Inhaler Education – CPT 94664 | For INHALE Members | Billing, CPT 94664, Inhaler Education | |
| Biologic Medications Toolkit | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | asthma, asthma medications, biologics, COPD, disease management, lung health, management, Medications, meds, toolkit, treatment | |
| Breath Actuated Metered Dose Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Breath Actuated, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, QVAR, Redihaler | |
| Build Your Own Inhaler Demo Device Kit | IET (Visit) | demo kit, inhaler, inhaler device demo kit | |
| Caring for Someone with COPD? Infographic | COPD, For Patients | caregiver, COPD, COPD caregiver, COPD management, infographic, manage stress, stress | |
| Choosing an Inhaler Device | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | asthma, COPD, Education, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication Assistance, provider education | |
| Comparison of Clinically Meaningful Improvements After Center-Based and Home-Based Telerehabilitation in People With COPD | COPD, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Articles) | article, CHEST, COPD, COPD management, Guidelines, provider education, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation, Research | |
| COPD 101 PowerPoint (COPD Foundation) | COPD | COPD, Education, patient education, provider education | |
| COPD Action Plan | COPD, For Patients | action plan, COPD, COPD action plan, COPD management, Medication, patient education, plan, provider | |
| COPD and Smoking: My Plan to Quit | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD management, managing COPD, quit, quit plan, quitting, smoking, smoking cessation | |
| COPD and Vaccines (CDC, 2022) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education, provider education, Vaccines | |
| COPD Basics (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients, For Providers | COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Helping After a Flare (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, NIH, patient, patient education, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Managing the Home (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, patient, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Taking Care of Yourself (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, patient, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Visiting the Doctor (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, patient, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD CAT Test | COPD, For Providers, IET (Visit) | CAT Test, COPD, patient | |
| COPD Exacerbations (ATS, 2018) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, Exacerbation, patient, patient education, Preventing Exacerbations | |
| COPD Journal Articles | COPD, For Providers | COPD, Inhaler Education, Journal Articles, Preventing Exacerbations, Research, SABA Exposure | |
| COPD Pharmacotherapy Review | COPD, For Providers | COPD, COPD management, COPD medications, COPD treatment, inhaler, LABA, LAMA, Pharmacotherapy, provider education, pyrls, treatments | |
| COPD Website Links | Website | AMA, American Lung Association, CHEST, COPD, COPD Foundation, patient education, provider education | |
| COPD, Obesity & Exercise (provider focused) | COPD, For Providers | COPD, Education, Exercise, Obesity, provider education | |
| COPD, Weight & Exercise (patient focused) | COPD, For Patients | active, active lifestyle, airways, COPD, Education, Exercise, obese, Obesity, overweight, patient, patient education, physical activity | |
| Cost-effectiveness of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Among US Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | COPD, For Providers, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Articles) | adults with COPD, COPD, COPD control, COPD disease, COPD management, cost, cost effectiveness, disease, managing COPD, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation, Research | |
| Defining Modern Pulmonary Rehabilitation – ATS Workshop Report | COPD, For Providers, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Articles) | American Thoracic Society, asthma, asthma control, Asthma Management, ATS, COPD, COPD control, COPD management, COPD treatment, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation | |
| Diskus Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Diskus, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| Drug Interactions with Tobacco Smoke | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation, Video | Medication, Medications, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Effect of long term inhaled corticosteroid therapy on adrenal suppression, growth and bone health in children with asthma | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, article, asthma, Asthma Management, journal, managing asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, Pediatric Asthma, Research | |
| Ellipta Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Ellipta, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| EPIC Charting Template For Inhaler Education To Support Billing CPT 94664 | Asthma, COPD, For Providers | Adult Asthma, asthma, Billing, COPD, Education, Inhaler Education | |
| EXHALE: Healthcare Professionals Guide (CDC) | Asthma, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | Guidelines | |
| Flexhaler Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Flexhaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| Free or Reduced-Cost Smoking Cessation Medication | For Patients, For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| GERD and Asthma | Asthma, For Patients | acid reflux, asthma, Asthma Management, GERD, national jewish | |
| GINA 2024 Full Report | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider) | GINA, GINA 2024, Guidelines | |
| Give yourself more time to stop and smell the roses – Stop Smoking Poster | TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| GOLD 2025 Pocket Guide | COPD, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | 2025, best practice, COPD, COPD management, Education, Global Initiative for Chromic Obstructive Lung Disease, GOLD, GOLD2025, guideline, Guidelines, managing COPD, pocket guide, provider education, toolkit, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| GOLD 2025 Report | COPD, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | 2025, best practice, COPD, COPD management, Education, GOLD, GOLD 2025, guideline, Guidelines, management, managing COPD, provider education, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| GOLD 2025 Teaching Slides | COPD, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | best practice, COPD, COPD management, GOLD, GOLD 2025, guideline, Guidelines, managing COPD, provider education, slides, teaching slides, toolkit, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| HandiHaler Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, HandiHaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| HBOM Tobacco Cessation VBR Toolkit | TCT (Billing), Tobacco Cessation, Toolkits and Guidelines | HBOM, Tobacco Cessation, Toolkits and Best Practices, VBR | |
| Health Insurance Toolkit | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials), Toolkits and Guidelines | asthma, choosing insurance, insurance, insurance coverage, insurance toolkit, Medication Assistance, patient medication, toolkit | |
| Home-based Exercise Recommendations – Pulmonary Rehabilitation | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Patient) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Asthma Management, COPD, COPD management, Education, Exercise, Guidelines, home-based exercise, patient, patient education, provider education, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation | |
| Hookah Pipes and the Lungs (2020, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| How to Avoid the September Asthma Peak | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, peak week, september | |
| How to Do an Asthma Visit in 15 minutes (AIM) | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Education, Inhaler Education | |
| How to Use a Digihaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, COPD, Digihaler, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| How to Use a Diskus (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Diskus, DPI, Inhaler Education, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pharmaceutical, video | |
| How to Use a Flexhaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Flexhaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| How to Use a HandiHaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, DPI, HandiHaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| How to Use a Lonhala Magnair Nebulizer (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult, COPD, Lonhala Magnair, Nebulizer, patient education, video | |
| How to Use a RespiClick (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, RespiClick, video | |
| How to Use a Respimat (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, Respimat, video | |
| How to Use a Twisthaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, Twisthaler, video | |
| How to Use a Wixela Inhub (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video, Wixela Inhub | |
| How to Use an Ellipta (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Ellipta, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| ICS Inhaler Estimated Dose Categories in Adults and Adolescents 12 Years and Older | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhalers, Medication, Medications, provider education | |
| IHI Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit | For INHALE Members, Toolkits and Guidelines | change, IHI, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, intervention, PDSA, PDSA Cycle, QI, quality improvement, toolkit | |
| In Check Dial Resistance Range – INHALE | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | asthma, COPD, In-Check Dial, resistance range | |
| In-Check Dial Accessory Information | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Education, In-Check Dial, Inhalers, patient, provider education | |
| In-Check Dial Literature | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Education, In-Check Dial, Inhalers, Instructions, patient, provider education | |
| Individualize and Reassess: Biologics for Severe Asthma | Asthma, For Providers | biologics, lung health, provider education, severe asthma | |
| INHALE 2025 Joining PO Scorecard | For INHALE Members | 2025, Joining, Joining PO, physician organization, PO information, scorecard | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter – July 2024 | Newsletter | 2025 VBR, Admin, Admin Newsletter, Fall Regional, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter – November 2024 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, administrative, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter – January 2025 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, administrative, Newsletter, PO, PO information, updates | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter March 2024 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter May 2024 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, Newsletter, PCP VBR, VBR | |
| INHALE Admin Portal PO Administrator User Guide | For INHALE Members | admin portal, admin portal user guide, participants, PO admin, PO information, User Guide | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter – August 2024 | Newsletter | 2024, august, clinical, clinical newsletter, COPD Research, health equity, Medication, Medication Coverage, Newsletter, VBR | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter – December 2024 | Newsletter | 2024, clinical, December, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter April 2024 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter February 2024 | Newsletter | AIRSUPRA, MMIT App, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter June 2024 | Newsletter | clinical, Education, GINA, GINA 2024, june, lung health, Medication Assistance, Newsletter, Nutrition, Obesity, provider education | |
| INHALE CQI User Guide | For INHALE Members | dashboard, data, Data Dashboard, MDC, Michigan data collaborative, User Guide | |
| INHALE Newsletter August 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter December 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter February 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter June 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter March 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter October 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Overview | For INHALE Members | Onboarding, Recruitment | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – April 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – December 2024 | For INHALE Members | information, members, PO, PO information, PO monthly, PO Monthly Call, PO monthly slides | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – February 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation, Recruitment | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – January 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation, VBR | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – January 2025 | For INHALE Members | members, PO monthly, PO Monthly Call, PO monthly slides, PowerPoint | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – July 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – March 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – November 2024 | For INHALE Members | members, PO information, PO monthly, PO Monthly Call, PO monthly slides | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – September 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly call slides – August 2024 | For INHALE Members | | |
| INHALE PO Recruitment Slides – 2025 | For INHALE Members | PO, Recruitment | |
| INHALE Population Health Registry User Access & Set Up Guide (MDC) | For INHALE Members | Data Dashboard, MDC, Onboarding, User Guide | |
| INHALE Practitioner Agreement | For INHALE Members | Participation Agreement, PO, Practice | |
| Inhaled Corticosteroid Medications Dosing Chart | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider), OCS (Provider) | Inhaled Steroids, Medications | |
| Inhaler Education Measure for Primary Care Physicians and Specialists (2025 VBR) | For INHALE Members | Inhaler Education, Measure, PCP VBR, PO, PO information, SCP VBR, VBR | |
| Integrating Tobacco Cessation Into Electronic Health Records | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Intro to COPD (ATS, 2021) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education | |
| It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking TC Poster | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | kit, poster, Posters, provider education, quit, quitting, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, toolkit, tools | |
| Lonhala Magnair Nebulizer – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Lonhala Magnair, Medication, Medications, Nebulizer, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Preventing Exacerbations, provider education | |
| Lung Health Basics: Sleep | Asthma, COPD, For Patients | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, sleep | |
| Lung Learning Lab – Series 2 – Dr. Labaki | For INHALE Members | Beaumont CME Credit, CME, CME document, Dr. Labaki, Labaki | |
| Managing Asthma Every Day infographic | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | action plan, asthma, Asthma Management, asthma triggers, daily asthma, infographic, Inhaler Education, managing asthma | |
| Marijuana and the Lungs (2021, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | marijuana, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| MDI with Mask and Multiple Breaths – Child (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Mask, MDI, Medication, Medications, Multiple Breath, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, video | |
| MDI with Mouthpiece and Multiple Breaths – Child (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, MDI, Medication, Medications, Mouthpiece, Multiple Breath, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, video | |
| MDI with Mouthpiece and Single Breath – Adult (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication Assistance, Medications, Mouthpiece, patient, patient education, provider education, Single Breath, video | |
| MDI with Mouthpiece and Single Breath – Child (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, Mouthpiece, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, Single Breath, video | |
| Medication Assistance Website Links | IET (Pt Materials), Website | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhalers, Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma | |
| Meet INHALE: CQI Introduction and Guidebook | For INHALE Members | guidebook, INHALE CQI Introduction and Guidebook, INHALE information, introduction, onboarding packet, packet | |
| Meter Dose Inhaler with Chamber – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Chamber, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, Spacer | |
| My Asthma Action Plan – ALA (not compatible with SMART) | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | action plan, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma action plan, caregivers | |
| My Asthma Action Plan – For Home and School – ALA (not compatible with SMART) | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | action plan, asthma, asthma action plan, caregivers, Education | |
| My Asthma Plan – English, Spanish and Chinese versions (peak flow based) | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | action plan, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma action plan, Education, Inhaler Education, Instructions, Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient, patient education | |
| My COPD Action Plan (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients, IET (Visit) | Action Plans, COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, patient, patient education | |
| NAEPP 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines | Asthma, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | | |
| NAEPP 2020 Focused Updates: Clinician’s Guide | Asthma, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | | |
| Nebulized Mist Treatment – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, Nebulizer, NMT, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education | |
| Nebulized Mist Treatment (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, Nebulizer, NMT, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| Nicotine Replacement Therapy Medication Options (2022, INHALE) | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Medications, nicotine, patient, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| OCS Overexposed – Website | For Patients, OCS (Patient), Website | appropriate use of OCS, asthma medications, Education, Medication, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, oral corticosteroids, patient education | |
| OCS Overexposed Conversation Starter | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Patient), OCS (Provider) | asthma, COPD, Education, medicine, OCS, OCS overexposed, patient, patient educatio, patient education | |
| OCS Overexposed Information Flyer | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Patient) | asthma, COPD, Education, Medication, medicine, OCS, OCS overexposed, patient, patient education | |
| OCS-SABA Overuse Infographic | Asthma, For Patients, OCS (Patient) | Adult, appropriate use of OCS, asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, Pediatric, Pediatric Asthma, SABA, SABA Exposure | |
| Optimizing Asthma Outcomes – Discharge Plan (AstraZeneca) | Asthma, For Providers | asthma, Asthma Management, asthma outcomes, AstraZeneca, discharge plan | |
| Oral Corticosteroid Stewardship Statement | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Provider) | asthma, COPD, OCS, OCS Stewardship, stewardship statement | |
| Oral Corticosteroids Exposed – YouTube | OCS (Patient), Video | Education, OCS, OCS Stewardship, oral corticosteroids, overuse, video, youtube | |
| Over the Counter Medications to Help you Stop Smoking (2021, ATS) | For Patients, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | ATS, Medications, OTC, over the counter, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Overuse of short-acting beta-agonist bronchodilators in COPD during periods of clinical stability | COPD, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, COPD, COPD management, journals, managing COPD, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship | |
| Oxygen Therapy (ATS, 2020) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, Oxygen, Oxygen therapy, patient, patient education, therapy | |
| Oxygen Therapy Basics (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, Oxygen, Oxygen therapy, patient, patient education | |
| PDSA Example Worksheet | For INHALE Members | example, PDSA, PDSA worksheet, quality improvement | |
| PDSA Worksheet | For INHALE Members | change, PDSA, PDSA Cycle, PDSA worksheet, quality improvement, worksheet | |
| PDSA Worksheet Instructions | For INHALE Members | 2026 VBR, PDSA, PDSA Cycle, PDSA instructions, PDSA Rubric, PDSA worksheet | |
| PDSA Worksheet Rubric | For INHALE Members | PDSA, PDSA Cycle, PDSA Rubric | |
| Pharmacotherapy for COPD | COPD, IET (Provider) | COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication, Medications, provider education | |
| Position Statement: Appropriate Use of Oral Corticosteroids in Asthma | Asthma, OCS (Provider) | appropriate use of OCS, asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, position statement | |
| Potential Schedule for Completing Required Participation Activities for 2026 VBR – Continuing | For INHALE Members | participation, Participation Requirements, requirements, scorecard, scorecard requirements, VBR | |
| Potential Schedule for Completing Required Participation Activities for 2026 VBR – Onboarding | For INHALE Members | Onboarding, participation, Participation Requirements, PCP, PCP VBR, requirements, schedule, scorecard requirements, VBR | |
| Prednisone for Asthma | Asthma, OCS (Patient) | asthma, Education, OCS, patient education, prednisone | |
| Pregnancy and Lactation Asthma Action Plan | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Visit) | asthma, pregnancy | |
| Prescription Medications to Help you Stop Smoking (2020, ATS) | For Patients, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | ATS, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Pressair (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, DPI, Inhaler Education, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, Pressair, provider education, video | |
| Pressair Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pressair, provider education | |
| Prior Authorization Tips and Tricks | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, For Providers | appeal, appeals, authorization, Billing, formulary, inhaler, Medication, medication denials, MMIT App, PA, Prior Authorization | |
| Providers – Your Words Have Impact TC Poster | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Pulmonary Function Tests – ATS | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, patient, patient education, provider education, Pulmonary function tests | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) Reimbursement Toolkit | For Providers, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | AACVPR, AARC, assistance, ATS, billing assistance, billing help, CHEST, help, insurance, provider billing assistance, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehab reimbursement toolkit, reimbursement, toolkit | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation 101 – Video | COPD, For Patients, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Patient), Video | COPD, COPD management, managing COPD, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation, video | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation Certificate Course | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Provider) | AARC, certificate course, PR, provider education, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary function testing, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation certificate course | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation Education | COPD, For Patients, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Patient) | COPD, COPD symptoms, physical activity, Pulmonary Rehab, quality of life, rehabilitation | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation Locater – Live Better | Pulmonary Rehabilitation Location Finder | finder, location, lung health, map, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, rehabilitation | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation Locator – AACVPR | Pulmonary Rehabilitation Location Finder | Exercise, finder, location, lung health, pulmonary, Pulmonary function testing, Pulmonary Rehab, rehabilitation | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation Resources for Patients – AACVPR | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Patient) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Asthma Management, COPD, COPD management, Education, patient, patient education, patient resources, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation Toolkit for Patients | Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Patient), Toolkits and Guidelines | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, COPD management, Education, Guidelines, patient education, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation, toolkit | |
| QVAR Redihaler (videos) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, QVAR, Redihaler, video | |
| QVAR RediHaler MDI – Patient Instructions | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Breath Actuated, device instructions, how to use, MDI, Metered Dose Inhaler, patient instructions, QVAR, Redihaler | |
| RespiClick Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, RespiClick | |
| Respimat Soft Mist Metered Dose Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, Respimat, SMI, Soft Mist | |
| Respiratory Treatments Poster (AAN) | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Inhalers, Medication, Medications, Posters, Treatment Poster | |
| Rural Chronic Disease Management Toolkit | Toolkits and Guidelines | chronic disease, disease managment, Rural health, toolkit | |
| Secondhand Smoke (2020, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| SMART – My Asthma Action Plan – AAN | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Visit) | action plan, Action Plans, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma action plan, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient, patient education, SMART Therapy | |
| SMART Asthma Action Plan – 18 and Older | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers | action plan, Adult Asthma, asthma action plan, asthma medications, asthma medicine, SMART, SMART Therapy | |
| SMART Asthma Action Plan – 6-17 Years | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers | action plan, Action Plans, asthma, asthma action plan, asthma control, asthma medicine, asthma symptoms, asthma triggers, Medications, Pediatric, Pediatric Asthma, SMART, SMART Asthma Action Plan, SMART Therapy, symptom, symptoms, trigger, Triggers | |
| SMART Step Guide 2024 | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider) | SMART Therapy | |
| SMART/MART & AIR Prescribing Guide | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | Adult Asthma, AIR, asthma, MART, Pediatric Asthma, Prescribing guide, SMART, SMART Therapy | |
| Smoking and Lung Health Video – NIH | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation, Video | asthma, lung health, smoking, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, video | |
| Smoking Cessation Medications Card (HBOM) | TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | Medication, Medications, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Smoking Cessation Medications Guide (HBOM) | TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Medication, Medications, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Options | TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Spacers + Inhalers for Asthma (how to obtain) | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Visit) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Pediatric Asthma, Spacer, spacers | |
| Spirometry 101 – ALA Training | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, Website | American Lung Association, asthma, COPD, Education, Pulmonary function testing, Spirometry, spirometry training, training | |
| Spirometry Handout for Patients | For Patients, IET (Visit) | Spirometry | |
| Spirometry Quick Glance Guide | For Providers, IET (Provider) | Spirometry | |
| Strategies for Preventing COPD Exacerbations (poster) | COPD | COPD, Education, patient education, provider education | |
| Systematic Literature Review of Systemic Corticosteroid Use for Asthma Management | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, Asthma Management, journal, Journal Articles, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship | |
| Telerehabilitation as a Form of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Chronic Lung Disease: A Systematic Review | COPD, For Providers, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Articles) | article, COPD, COPD management, COPD Research, COPD treatment, managing COPD, provider education, pulm rehab, pulmonary, Pulmonary Rehab, pulmonary rehabilitation, Research, telerehabilitation | |
| The mMRC Scale | COPD, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Provider) | COPD, mMRC, patient | |
| The use of inhaled corticosteroids and the risk of adrenal insufficiency | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Articles) | OCS overexposed, OCS overuse | |
| Tips for Getting Asthma Devices – Pediatric Asthma | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | asthma, asthma device, authorization, DME, insurance, Medicaid, Pediatric Asthma, pediatrics, prescription, Prior Authorization, spacers, valved holding chambers | |
| Tips For Healthy Living (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, patient, patient education | |
| Tobacco Cessation Counseling Billing | For INHALE Members, For Providers, TCT (Billing), Tobacco Cessation | Billing, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Cessation Counseling Measure for Primary Care Providers and Specialists | For INHALE Members | smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, VBR | |
| Tobacco Cessation Counseling Resources | For Patients, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Cessation Helpful Hints (Michigan Medicine, Tobacco Cessation Services) | TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Cessation Website Links | TCT (Provider), Website | patient, patient education, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Counseling Attestation Example (for EPIC systems) | For Providers, TCT (Billing), Tobacco Cessation | Billing, Education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Smoking Cessation: Pharmacotherapy Review | TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Pharmacotherapy, provider education, pyrls, quit smoking meds, quitting tobacco, smoking cessation, smoking cessation medications, Tobacco Cessation, tobacco cessation medications | |
| Tobacco Use and Stress Management (2021, ATS) | For Patients, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | ATS, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Top 10 Inhaler Mistakes – Adults Infographic | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | inhaler, inhaler technique, Medications, patient education, technique | |
| Top 10 Inhaler Mistakes – Kids Infographic | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Pt Materials) | adolescents, inhaler, inhaler technique, kids, Medications, patient education | |
| Twisthaler Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, dry powdered inhaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, Twisthaler | |
| Vaping and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (2020, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| What is Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) Testing? | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | asthma, FeNO, Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide, inflammation, testing | |
| What to Do When Pulmonary Rehab is Unavailable (ATS, 2020) | COPD, For Patients, Pulmonary Rehab Toolkit (Provider) | COPD, Education, patient, patient education, provider education, Pulmonary Rehab | |
| Willingness to Quit Assessment Tool | For Providers, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Wixela Inhub Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Preventing Exacerbations, provider education, Wixela Inhub | |
| You Ask Because You Care TC Poster | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| You Can Quit Smoking Personalized Quit Plan | For Providers, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | action plan, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| You Can Quit TC Poster (Tear-off) | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |