| 0-5 Stepwise Approach NAEPP-GINA 2023 Overlap | Asthma, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | GINA, Guidelines, NAEPP | |
| 12 or Older Stepwise Approach NAEPP-GINA 2023 Overlap | Asthma, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | GINA, Guidelines, NAEPP | |
| 2024-2025 Timeline – Continuing | For INHALE Members | 2024, 2024-2025 Timeline, 2025, continuing, INHALE Timeline, members, physician organization, requirements, Timeline | |
| 2024-2025 Timeline – Onboarding | For INHALE Members | 2024, 2024-2025 Timeline, 2025, INHALE Timeline, members, Onboarding, physician organization, Timeline | |
| 2025 VBR FAQs | For INHALE Members | Onboarding, VBR | |
| 2026 Continuing PCPs and SCPs VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | 2026 VBR, continuing, Continuing PCP, Continuing SCP, PCP VBR, requirements, SCP VBR, VBR | |
| 2026 Continuing PO VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | physician organization, PO, PO information, PO Scorecard, scorecard, VBR | |
| 2026 Onboarding PCPs VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | 2026, 2026 VBR, PCP, PCP and SCP, PCP VBR, requirements, SCP VBR, VBR | |
| 2026 Onboarding PO VBR Requirements | For INHALE Members | 2026, physician organization, PO, PO Scorecard, scorecard, VBR | |
| 6-11 Stepwise Approach NAEPP-GINA 2023 Overlap | Asthma, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | GINA, Guidelines, NAEPP | |
| A Guide to Aerosol Delivery Devices for Respiratory Therapists | Asthma, For Providers | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, provider education | |
| Acute and chronic systemic corticosteroid–related complications in patients with severe asthma | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, asthma, Asthma Management, asthma medications, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship | |
| Adverse outcomes from initiation of systemic corticosteroids for asthma: long-term observational study | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, article, asthma, Asthma Management, journal, managing asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, Research | |
| Aerosol Deposition in Airways – A Clinicians Guide (Part 1) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, provider education, video | |
| Aerosol Drug Delivery – Metered Dose Inhalers (Part 2) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medications, Preventing Exacerbations, provider education, video | |
| Aerosol Drug Delivery – Multiple Device Options (Part 3) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, Asthma Management, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medications, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, video | |
| AIRQ – Asthma Impairment and Risk Questionnaire | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Adult Asthma, AIRQ | |
| Are You At Risk for COPD (NIH, 2022) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education | |
| Asthma & COPD Medication Poster (ALA) | Asthma, COPD, For Providers | Inhaler Education, Medication, Medications, Posters | |
| Asthma Control Test (ACT) 12 and older (English and Spanish) | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Asthma Control Test (ACT) | |
| Asthma Control Test (ACT) 4 to 11 years old | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Asthma Control Test (ACT) | |
| Asthma During Pregnancy – AAFA | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, pregnancy | |
| Asthma in Kids – Infographic | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, infographic, kids, Pediatric, Pediatric Asthma, pediatrics | |
| Asthma in the Black Community Fact Sheet | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, asthma burden, Asthma Management, black community, health equity, managing asthma | |
| Asthma in Women Fact Sheet | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, asthma in women, Asthma Management, asthma symptom, asthma symptoms, asthma triggers, managing asthma, trigger, Triggers, women | |
| Asthma Journal Articles | Asthma, For Providers | Journal Articles, References & Articles, SABA Exposure, SMART Therapy | |
| Asthma Management Guide – pyrls | Asthma, For Providers | asthma, Asthma Management, asthma treatment, Education, GINA 2024, guide, Guidelines, provider, pyrls | |
| Asthma Triggers Home Checklist (AAFA) | Asthma, For Patients | Allergy | |
| Asthma Website Links | Website | Adult Asthma, ALA, American Lung Association, American Thoracic Society, asthma, ATS, CHEST, Medication Assistance | |
| Asthma, Obesity & Exercise (provider focused) | Asthma, For Providers | Exercise, Obesity | |
| Asthma, Weight & Exercise (patient focused) | Asthma, For Patients | active, active lifestyle, airways, asthma, children, Exercise, health, obese, Obesity, overweight, stress, Triggers | |
| Beaumont CME Account Creation | For INHALE Members | Beaumont, Beaumont Account, Beaumont Instructions, CME help | |
| Beaumont CME Receiving Credit Guide | For INHALE Members | Beaumont, Beaumont CME Credit, Beaumont Instructions, CME, CME help | |
| Billing for Inhaler Education – CPT 94664 | For INHALE Members, IET (Billing) | Billing, CPT 94664, Inhaler Education | |
| Biologic Medications Toolkit | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | asthma, asthma medications, biologics, COPD, disease management, lung health, management, Medications, meds, toolkit, treatment | |
| Breath Actuated Metered Dose Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Breath Actuated, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, QVAR, Redihaler | |
| Build Your Own Inhaler Demo Device Kit | IET (Visit) | demo kit, inhaler, inhaler device demo kit | |
| Caring for Someone with COPD? Infographic | COPD, For Patients | caregiver, COPD, COPD caregiver, COPD management, infographic, manage stress, stress | |
| Choosing an Inhaler Device | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | asthma, COPD, Education, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication Assistance, provider education | |
| COPD 101 PowerPoint (COPD Foundation) | COPD | COPD, Education, patient education, provider education | |
| COPD Action Plan | COPD, For Patients | action plan, COPD, COPD action plan, COPD management, Medication, patient education, plan, provider | |
| COPD and Smoking: My Plan to Quit | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD management, managing COPD, quit, quit plan, quitting, smoking, smoking cessation | |
| COPD and Vaccines (CDC, 2022) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education, provider education, Vaccines | |
| COPD Basics (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients, For Providers | COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Helping After a Flare (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, NIH, patient, patient education, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Managing the Home (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, patient, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Taking Care of Yourself (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, patient, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD Caregivers Toolkit: Visiting the Doctor (NIH) | COPD, Toolkits and Guidelines | caregivers, Caregivers Toolkit, COPD, Education, patient, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| COPD CAT Test | COPD, For Providers, IET (Visit) | CAT Test, COPD, patient | |
| COPD Exacerbations (ATS, 2018) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, Exacerbation, patient, patient education, Preventing Exacerbations | |
| COPD Journal Articles | COPD, For Providers | COPD, Inhaler Education, Journal Articles, Preventing Exacerbations, Research, SABA Exposure | |
| COPD Website Links | Website | AMA, American Lung Association, CHEST, COPD, COPD Foundation, patient education, provider education | |
| COPD, Obesity & Exercise (provider focused) | COPD, For Providers | COPD, Education, Exercise, Obesity, provider education | |
| COPD, Weight & Exercise (patient focused) | COPD, For Patients | active, active lifestyle, airways, COPD, Education, Exercise, obese, Obesity, overweight, patient, patient education, physical activity | |
| Diskus Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Diskus, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| Drug Interactions with Tobacco Smoke | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation, Video | Medication, Medications, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Effect of long term inhaled corticosteroid therapy on adrenal suppression, growth and bone health in children with asthma | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, article, asthma, Asthma Management, journal, managing asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, Pediatric Asthma, Research | |
| Ellipta Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Ellipta, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| EPIC Charting Template For Inhaler Education To Support Billing CPT 94664 | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Billing) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Billing, COPD, Education, Inhaler Education | |
| EXHALE: Healthcare Professionals Guide (CDC) | Asthma, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | Guidelines | |
| Flexhaler Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Flexhaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| Free or Reduced-Cost Smoking Cessation Medication | For Patients, For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| GERD and Asthma | Asthma, For Patients | acid reflux, asthma, Asthma Management, GERD, national jewish | |
| GINA 2024 Full Report | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider) | GINA, GINA 2024, Guidelines | |
| Give yourself more time to stop and smell the roses – Stop Smoking Poster | TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| GOLD 2025 Pocket Guide | COPD, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | 2025, best practice, COPD, COPD management, Education, Global Initiative for Chromic Obstructive Lung Disease, GOLD, GOLD2025, guideline, Guidelines, managing COPD, pocket guide, provider education, toolkit, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| GOLD 2025 Report | COPD, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | 2025, best practice, COPD, COPD management, Education, GOLD, GOLD 2025, guideline, Guidelines, management, managing COPD, provider education, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| GOLD 2025 Teaching Slides | COPD, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | best practice, COPD, COPD management, GOLD, GOLD 2025, guideline, Guidelines, managing COPD, provider education, slides, teaching slides, toolkit, Toolkits and Best Practices | |
| HandiHaler Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, HandiHaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education | |
| HBOM Tobacco Cessation VBR Toolkit | TCT (Billing), Tobacco Cessation, Toolkits and Guidelines | HBOM, Tobacco Cessation, Toolkits and Best Practices, VBR | |
| Health Insurance Toolkit | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials), Toolkits and Guidelines | asthma, choosing insurance, insurance, insurance coverage, insurance toolkit, Medication Assistance, patient medication, toolkit | |
| Hookah Pipes and the Lungs (2020, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| How to Avoid the September Asthma Peak | Asthma, For Patients | asthma, peak week, september | |
| How to Do an Asthma Visit in 15 minutes (AIM) | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Education, Inhaler Education | |
| How to Use a Digihaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, COPD, Digihaler, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| How to Use a Diskus (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Diskus, DPI, Inhaler Education, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pharmaceutical, video | |
| How to Use a Flexhaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Flexhaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| How to Use a HandiHaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, DPI, HandiHaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| How to Use a Lonhala Magnair Nebulizer (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult, COPD, Lonhala Magnair, Nebulizer, patient education, video | |
| How to Use a RespiClick (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, RespiClick, video | |
| How to Use a Respimat (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, Respimat, video | |
| How to Use a Twisthaler (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, Twisthaler, video | |
| How to Use a Wixela Inhub (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video, Wixela Inhub | |
| How to Use an Ellipta (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Ellipta, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| ICS Inhaler Estimated Dose Categories in Adults and Adolescents 12 Years and Older | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhalers, Medication, Medications, provider education | |
| IHI Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit | For INHALE Members, Toolkits and Guidelines | change, IHI, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, intervention, PDSA, PDSA Cycle, QI, quality improvement, toolkit | |
| In Check Dial Resistance Range – INHALE | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | asthma, COPD, In-Check Dial, resistance range | |
| In-Check Dial Accessory Information | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Education, In-Check Dial, Inhalers, patient, provider education | |
| In-Check Dial Literature | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Education, In-Check Dial, Inhalers, Instructions, patient, provider education | |
| Individualize and Reassess: Biologics for Severe Asthma | Asthma, For Providers | biologics, lung health, provider education, severe asthma | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter – July 2024 | Newsletter | 2025 VBR, Admin, Admin Newsletter, Fall Regional, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter – November 2024 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, administrative, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter March 2024 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Admin Newsletter May 2024 | Newsletter | Admin, Admin Newsletter, Newsletter, PCP VBR, VBR | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter – August 2024 | Newsletter | 2024, august, clinical, clinical newsletter, COPD Research, health equity, Medication, Medication Coverage, Newsletter, VBR | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter April 2024 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter February 2024 | Newsletter | AIRSUPRA, MMIT App, Newsletter | |
| INHALE Clinical Newsletter June 2024 | Newsletter | clinical, Education, GINA, GINA 2024, june, lung health, Medication Assistance, Newsletter, Nutrition, Obesity, provider education | |
| INHALE CQI User Guide | For INHALE Members | dashboard, data, Data Dashboard, MDC, Michigan data collaborative, User Guide | |
| INHALE Newsletter August 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter December 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter February 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter June 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter March 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Newsletter October 2023 | Newsletter | Newsletter | |
| INHALE Overview | For INHALE Members | Onboarding, Recruitment | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – April 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – December 2023 | For INHALE Members | PO Monthly Call, presentation, VBR | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – February 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation, Recruitment | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – January 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation, VBR | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – July 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – March 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – November 2023 | For INHALE Members | PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly Call Slides – September 2024 | For INHALE Members | Monthly call, PO, PO Monthly Call, presentation | |
| INHALE PO Monthly call slides – August 2024 | For INHALE Members | | |
| INHALE PO Recruitment Slides | For INHALE Members | PO, Recruitment | |
| INHALE Population Health Registry User Access & Set Up Guide (MDC) | For INHALE Members | Data Dashboard, MDC, Onboarding, User Guide | |
| INHALE Practitioner Agreement | For INHALE Members | Participation Agreement, PO, Practice | |
| Inhaled Corticosteroid Medications Dosing Chart | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Provider), OCS (Provider) | Inhaled Steroids, Medications | |
| Inhaler Education Measure for Primary Care Physicians and Specialists (2025 VBR) | For INHALE Members | Inhaler Education, Measure, PCP VBR, PO, PO information, SCP VBR, VBR | |
| Integrating Tobacco Cessation Into Electronic Health Records | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Intro to COPD (ATS, 2021) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education | |
| It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking TC Poster | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | kit, poster, Posters, provider education, quit, quitting, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, toolkit, tools | |
| Lonhala Magnair Nebulizer – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Lonhala Magnair, Medication, Medications, Nebulizer, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Preventing Exacerbations, provider education | |
| Lung Health Basics: Sleep | Asthma, COPD, For Patients | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, sleep | |
| Managing Asthma Every Day infographic | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | action plan, asthma, Asthma Management, asthma triggers, daily asthma, infographic, Inhaler Education, managing asthma | |
| Marijuana and the Lungs (2021, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | marijuana, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| MDI with Mask and Multiple Breaths – Child (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Mask, MDI, Medication, Medications, Multiple Breath, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, video | |
| MDI with Mouthpiece and Multiple Breaths – Child (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, MDI, Medication, Medications, Mouthpiece, Multiple Breath, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, video | |
| MDI with Mouthpiece and Single Breath – Adult (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication Assistance, Medications, Mouthpiece, patient, patient education, provider education, Single Breath, video | |
| MDI with Mouthpiece and Single Breath – Child (video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, Mouthpiece, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education, Single Breath, video | |
| Medication Assistance Website Links | IET (Pt Materials), Website | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhalers, Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma | |
| Meet INHALE: CQI Introduction and Guidebook | For INHALE Members | guidebook, INHALE CQI Introduction and Guidebook, INHALE information, introduction, onboarding packet, packet | |
| Meter Dose Inhaler with Chamber – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Chamber, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, Spacer | |
| My Asthma Action Plan – ALA (not compatible with SMART) | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | action plan, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma action plan, caregivers | |
| My Asthma Action Plan – For Home and School – ALA (not compatible with SMART) | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | action plan, asthma, asthma action plan, caregivers, Education | |
| My Asthma Plan – English, Spanish and Chinese versions (peak flow based) | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | action plan, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma action plan, Education, Inhaler Education, Instructions, Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient, patient education | |
| My COPD Action Plan (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients, IET (Visit) | Action Plans, COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, patient, patient education | |
| NAEPP 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines | Asthma, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | | |
| NAEPP 2020 Focused Updates: Clinician’s Guide | Asthma, For Providers, Toolkits and Guidelines | | |
| Nebulized Mist Treatment – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, Nebulizer, NMT, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, provider education | |
| Nebulized Mist Treatment (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, Nebulizer, NMT, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, video | |
| Nicotine Replacement Therapy Medication Options (2022, INHALE) | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Medications, nicotine, patient, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| OCS Overexposed – Website | For Patients, OCS (Patient), Website | appropriate use of OCS, asthma medications, Education, Medication, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, oral corticosteroids, patient education | |
| OCS Overexposed Conversation Starter | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Patient), OCS (Provider) | asthma, COPD, Education, medicine, OCS, OCS overexposed, patient, patient educatio, patient education | |
| OCS Overexposed Information Flyer | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Patient) | asthma, COPD, Education, Medication, medicine, OCS, OCS overexposed, patient, patient education | |
| OCS-SABA Overuse Infographic | Asthma, For Patients, OCS (Patient) | Adult, appropriate use of OCS, asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship, Pediatric, Pediatric Asthma, SABA, SABA Exposure | |
| Oral Corticosteroid Stewardship Statement | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Provider) | asthma, COPD, OCS, OCS Stewardship, stewardship statement | |
| Oral Corticosteroids Exposed – YouTube | OCS (Patient), Video | Education, OCS, OCS Stewardship, oral corticosteroids, overuse, video, youtube | |
| Over the Counter Medications to Help you Stop Smoking (2021, ATS) | For Patients, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | ATS, Medications, OTC, over the counter, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Overuse of short-acting beta-agonist bronchodilators in COPD during periods of clinical stability | COPD, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, COPD, COPD management, journals, managing COPD, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship | |
| Oxygen Therapy (ATS, 2020) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, Oxygen, Oxygen therapy, patient, patient education, therapy | |
| Oxygen Therapy Basics (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, Oxygen, Oxygen therapy, patient, patient education | |
| PDSA Example Worksheet | For INHALE Members | example, PDSA, PDSA worksheet, quality improvement | |
| PDSA Worksheet | For INHALE Members | change, PDSA, PDSA Cycle, PDSA worksheet, quality improvement, worksheet | |
| PDSA Worksheet Instructions | For INHALE Members | 2026 VBR, PDSA, PDSA Cycle, PDSA instructions, PDSA Rubric, PDSA worksheet | |
| PDSA Worksheet Rubric | For INHALE Members | PDSA, PDSA Cycle, PDSA Rubric | |
| Pharmacotherapy for COPD | COPD, IET (Provider) | COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication, Medications, provider education | |
| Position Statement: Appropriate Use of Oral Corticosteroids in Asthma | Asthma, OCS (Provider) | appropriate use of OCS, asthma, OCS, OCS overexposed, position statement | |
| Prednisone for Asthma | Asthma, OCS (Patient) | asthma, Education, OCS, patient education, prednisone | |
| Pregnancy and Lactation Asthma Action Plan | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Visit) | asthma, pregnancy | |
| Prescription Medications to Help you Stop Smoking (2020, ATS) | For Patients, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | ATS, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Pressair (Video) | IET (Patient Videos), Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, DPI, Inhaler Education, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, Pressair, provider education, video | |
| Pressair Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pressair, provider education | |
| Prior Authorization Tips and Tricks | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Billing) | appeal, appeals, authorization, Billing, formulary, inhaler, Medication, medication denials, MMIT App, PA, Prior Authorization | |
| Providers – Your Words Have Impact TC Poster | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Pulmonary Function Tests – ATS | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, patient, patient education, provider education, Pulmonary function tests | |
| Pulmonary Rehabilitation | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD symptoms, physical activity, Pulmonary Rehab, quality of life, rehabilitation | |
| QVAR Redihaler (videos) | Video | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Pharmaceutical, provider education, QVAR, Redihaler, video | |
| RespiClick Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, RespiClick | |
| Respimat Soft Mist Metered Dose Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, MDI, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, Respimat, SMI, Soft Mist | |
| Respiratory Treatments Poster (AAN) | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, IET (Visit) | Inhalers, Medication, Medications, Posters, Treatment Poster | |
| Rural Chronic Disease Management Toolkit | Toolkits and Guidelines | chronic disease, disease managment, Rural health, toolkit | |
| Secondhand Smoke (2020, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| SMART – My Asthma Action Plan – AAN | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Visit) | action plan, Action Plans, Adult Asthma, asthma, asthma action plan, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Medication, Medication Assistance, Medications, patient, patient education, SMART Therapy | |
| SMART Step Guide 2024 | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider) | SMART Therapy | |
| SMART/MART & AIR Prescribing Guide | Asthma, For Providers, IET (Provider), Toolkits and Guidelines | Adult Asthma, AIR, asthma, MART, Pediatric Asthma, Prescribing guide, SMART, SMART Therapy | |
| Smoking and Lung Health Video – NIH | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation, Video | asthma, lung health, smoking, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, video | |
| Smoking Cessation Medications Card (HBOM) | TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | Medication, Medications, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Smoking Cessation Medications Guide (HBOM) | TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | Medication, Medications, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Options | TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Spacers + Inhalers for Asthma (how to obtain) | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Visit) | Adult Asthma, asthma, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Pediatric Asthma, Spacer, spacers | |
| Spirometry 101 – ALA Training | Asthma, COPD, For Providers, Website | American Lung Association, asthma, COPD, Education, Pulmonary function testing, Spirometry, spirometry training, training | |
| Spirometry Handout for Patients | For Patients, IET (Visit) | Spirometry | |
| Spirometry Quick Glance Guide | For Providers, IET (Provider) | Spirometry | |
| Strategies for Preventing COPD Exacerbations (poster) | COPD | COPD, Education, patient education, provider education | |
| Systematic Literature Review of Systemic Corticosteroid Use for Asthma Management | Asthma, OCS (Articles) | appropriate use of OCS, Asthma Management, journal, Journal Articles, OCS, OCS overexposed, OCS overuse, OCS Stewardship | |
| The mMRC Scale | COPD, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Provider) | COPD, mMRC, patient | |
| The use of inhaled corticosteroids and the risk of adrenal insufficiency | Asthma, COPD, OCS (Articles) | OCS overexposed, OCS overuse | |
| Tips for Getting Asthma Devices – Pediatric Asthma | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | asthma, asthma device, authorization, DME, insurance, Medicaid, Pediatric Asthma, pediatrics, prescription, Prior Authorization, spacers, valved holding chambers | |
| Tips For Healthy Living (COPD Foundation) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, COPD Foundation, Education, patient, patient education | |
| Tobacco Cessation Counseling Billing | For INHALE Members, For Providers, TCT (Billing), Tobacco Cessation | Billing, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Cessation Counseling Measure for Primary Care Providers and Specialists | For INHALE Members | smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation, VBR | |
| Tobacco Cessation Counseling Resources | For Patients, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Cessation Helpful Hints (Michigan Medicine, Tobacco Cessation Services) | TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Cessation Website Links | TCT (Provider), Website | patient, patient education, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Counseling Attestation Example (for EPIC systems) | For Providers, TCT (Billing), Tobacco Cessation | Billing, Education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Tobacco Use and Stress Management (2021, ATS) | For Patients, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | ATS, patient, patient education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Top 10 Inhaler Mistakes – Adults Infographic | Asthma, COPD, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | inhaler, inhaler technique, Medications, patient education, technique | |
| Top 10 Inhaler Mistakes – Kids Infographic | Asthma, For Patients, For Providers, IET (Pt Materials) | adolescents, inhaler, inhaler technique, kids, Medications, patient education | |
| Twisthaler Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, COPD, DPI, dry powdered inhaler, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, provider education, Twisthaler | |
| Vaping and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (2020, ATS) | For Patients, Tobacco Cessation | patient, patient education, smoking, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| What is Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) Testing? | Asthma, For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | asthma, FeNO, Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide, inflammation, testing | |
| What to Do When Pulmonary Rehab is Unavailable (ATS, 2020) | COPD, For Patients | COPD, Education, patient, patient education, provider education, Pulmonary Rehab | |
| Willingness to Quit Assessment Tool | For Providers, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| Wixela Inhub Dry Powdered Inhaler – Patient Instructions | For Patients, IET (Pt Materials) | Adult Asthma, asthma, DPI, Inhaler Education, Inhalers, Instructions, Medication, Medications, patient, patient education, Pediatric Asthma, Preventing Exacerbations, provider education, Wixela Inhub | |
| You Ask Because You Care TC Poster | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| You Can Quit Smoking Personalized Quit Plan | For Providers, TCT (Visit), Tobacco Cessation | action plan, provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |
| You Can Quit TC Poster (Tear-off) | For Providers, TCT (Provider), Tobacco Cessation | provider education, smoking, smoking cessation, tobacco, Tobacco Cessation | |